Digital Tips: A Guide For Impactful Digital Content

Digital Tips: A Guide For Impactful Digital Content

Content marketing is constantly evolving. In fact, there are more than 3 million contents published on the internet every day. From blog posts, articles, reviews, social media posts, content is shared everyday. As a business, it’s now important to pay close attention to how readers are changing. Brands need to constantly experiment innovating digital content for them to keep their readers engaged.

Let’s look at the tips on how digital writers can publish relevant and impactful content for their readers. Read on the list here:

Determine target audience
Before getting down to writing, the first thing to determine is the goal the brand is trying to achieve. Who are you the people that you want to talk to. Are they Millennials, Gen X or Gen Z? What types of articles, blogs or social media content would they like to read? Do they prefer friendly, formal or serious tone? After answering these questions, you will have a good idea of what kind of content will be helpful for them. Not delivering the right content to your target audience may render your efforts completely irrelevant and can waste the marketing goals of the brand.

Think of the right type of content for your target audience
Take a look at what kind of content your audience would want to read. Does your audience want to be entertained, educated, inspired? Once you figure out what kind of content can help your audience, it’s time for you to conceptualize the topics  you want to publish. From there, focus on how to properly connect with your audience through your writing.

Come up with original content
This is probably the most challenging part of writing but absolutely the most exciting one. Google likes original content. Writing  original content will help your brand get more exposure and rank higher in search engine results. If Google finds out duplication on your articles, your website can be penalized or, worse, not rank at all.

As a result of creating your own content, your website can get better rankings which can give a positive impact of the brand on the online world.

Determine your content’s value
Does your content teach your audience something?  Is your content remarkable? Do your content provide answers? The goal of writing content is to provide useful information and gives answer to readers. This is, after all, why they visit your website in the first place. To meet those expectations, remember to provide your readers with relevant content that can help them make decisions. Not just how but also what the strongest foundation of what, where, when, why and who.

Make sure your content is worth sharing
Great content doesn’t stop with having great information; it should also have great emotional pull on your readers. Your content must be interesting. Provide your readers with something new or something unusual. It is usually content that cannot be typically seen across the internet. It can be based on experience or from books and magazines.

Your content should also evoke emotions such as surprise, amusement and awe. Readers tend to share content that pushes their emotions. If content makes the readers feel something while reading it, there’s a huge chance for them to engage and convert.

Lastly, determine the connection of  your content to your reader. Readers search. Write not just because you want to rank higher in the search engines but because you want to impart something informative and useful to your target audience’s daily lives. Write because you have the appreciation and understanding on what writing is. Write topics because you know and enjoy it.

If you need help with creating content, reach us out at [email protected]. Aside from creating digital contents, LeapOut Digital also offers Search Engine Marketing, Website Development and Digital Creatives.